Was Jada Pinkett at Tupacs Funeral and Where was He Buried?

There is no proof that Jada Pinkett Smith attended any burial ceremony held in remembrance of her late friend, Tupac Shakur, who was cremated and his ashes scattered in significant places. Tupac was a renowned American rapper whose name has been written in gold in the music industry. One of the trending topics about the

There is no proof that Jada Pinkett Smith attended any burial ceremony held in remembrance of her late friend, Tupac Shakur, who was cremated and his ashes scattered in significant places.

Tupac was a renowned American rapper whose name has been written in gold in the music industry. One of the trending topics about the late rapper to date is his relationship with actress Jada Pinkett, which went sour before his tragic death in ’96. The Red Table Talk hostess has gradually opened up about her friendship with Tupac, which many people never knew about.

Did Jada Pinkett Attend Tupac’s Funeral?

It is not confirmed if Tupac’s longtime friend, Jada Pinkett, was at his funeral. In fact, the late rapper was not buried in a particular place as he was cremated, and the ashes spread in different locations.

Jada and Tupac shared a close bond as friends before the rapper was gunned down. They met at the Baltimore School for the Arts in Maryland, where they both studied to hone their skills in the performing arts. They were friends for a while and developed a rare bond, but this friendship fizzled out when they grew older and began to follow different paths. Jada was apparently against Tupac’s lifestyle, which always landed him in trouble and eventually took his life, but the rapper was not ready to change.

Tupac’s friendship with Jada was on a break when he died. They were reportedly not on talking terms at the time he was shot, and later passed away after battling for his life for six days. The rift between them didn’t stop Jada from mourning her friend to this day. She often celebrates his posthumous birthday every year, and on his 50th, she shared a rare piece of poem written by the rapper. This brought up more questions about their past friendship.

Where Was Tupac Buried?

Memorials must have been held in his honor in many places, but Tupac Shakur’s body was not buried in a place. After his death, Tupac’s body was cremated the next day, and his mother, Afeni Shakur, took the ashes. Some of the rapper’s ashes were spread over a special place in Los Angeles, while some were spread over his mother’s garden at her Stone Mountain residence in Georgia.

In 2006, ten years after the American rapper passed on, emerging reports revealed that his ashes would be buried in Soweto, South Africa. According to TheGuardian, Afeni Shakur would carry her son’s ashes to meet his ancestors in South Africa, where a memorial service would be held in Soweto.

In 2017, the rapper was further honored posthumously as he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Was Jada Pinkett With Tupac When He Died?

The close bond shared by Jada Pinkett and Tupac Shakur became public knowledge after his death, and many have speculated that she was with him when he was tragically killed, but this is not the case.

The actress had talked about her longtime friendship with the late rapper and how close they were, which led to many saying she was probably with him when he died. However, it must be recalled that the two had drifted apart as friends when Tupac was gunned down.

While she has not said anything about being there when Tupac was killed, fans mostly made that assumption because of how deeply she seems to be affected by the rapper’s death. She has continued to talk about him even after many years of his death. Thus, there have been speculations that she probably witnessed the killing, and that is why she is so affected. Notwithstanding, Jada has made it clear that she was not on speaking terms with Tupac at the time of his death.

Did Jada and Tupac Date?

Jada and Tupac never dated but were rather close friends who had a deep bond. Jada has described Tupac as her best friend and soul mate. She has also pointed out that if there was such a thing as past lives, then it is very much possible they would have traveled a few together.

The actress and talk show host, however, maintains that she and Tupac never dated but had a platonic friendship. According to her, there was no physical chemistry at all between them, and the one time they attempted to kiss, it was disgusting.

Did Jada Cheat With Tupac?

Jada Pinkett Smith never cheated with Tupac. As pointed out above, she and Tupac were super close friends but entirely platonic. Their relationship continued even after she got married to Will Smith. Of course, the fact that she retained a close friendship with a man while married raised speculations and accusations of cheating. However, there is no truth to this.

Pinkett’s husband, Will Smith, has come out to admit that he was jealous of her close friendship with Tupac. That immature way of thinking meant that he wasn’t able to cultivate a friendship with the late rapper.

Were Jada Pinkett and Tupac in High School?

Jada Pinkett Smith and Tupac attended the same high school, the Baltimore School for the Arts, in Maryland. They met on the assembly ground during their sophomore year in the ’80s and became friends immediately. Pinkett admired Tupac’s charisma. She also appreciated the fact that he saw her beauty, intelligence, and talent quite well and separated it from her sex.

Tupac dropped out of school before senior while Pinkett completed her studies and proceeded to college. She later dropped out and pursued a career as an actress, tasting success. He, on the other hand, also pursued a career as a rapper and even actor as well.

Jada Pinkett Smith’s Letter to Tupac

Jada Pinkett Smith wrote a letter to Tupac on the 1st of January 1995 while he was in prison. The letter mainly addressed his relationship with Keisha, the woman he eventually married. She pointed out her distrust that Keisha was the right person for him at the moment but stated that she would trust his judgment.

Jada pointed out that she would always feel that she and Tupac’s respective partners weren’t worthy of them. She, however, maintained that her priority was someone who would love the rapper to the fullest, adore him, praise him, and worship him inside out. This letter was sold to an eBay user for 1,750 in 2015. It should be noted that the veracity of this letter is in doubt, though.

