ValueError: Math Domain Error [How To Fix]

This is the first article in a series of blog posts where Im going to be talking about common Python errors you might see when working with Python and why they happen. In this first article well talk about how to fix the math domain error, which occurs when you try to perform an operation

This is the first article in a series of blog posts where I’m going to be talking about common Python errors you might see when working with Python and why they happen. In this first article we’ll talk about how to fix the math domain error, which occurs when you try to perform an operation with a value that isn’t within the expected range of numbers.

ValueError: math domain error [How To Fix]

ValueError: math domain error occurs when a math function is given an invalid argument.

It is a Python exception that occurs when a math function is given an invalid argument. This error can be avoided by making sure that the input value of any math function fits within its expected range.

For example, if you try to calculate the square root of a negative number using Python’s built-in sqrt() function, you will get this error:

>>> print(‘The square root of -3 is: ‘, sqrt(-3))

ValueError: math domain error

To fix this problem, simply pass in whole numbers instead:

What Causes It?

One important thing to know about math functions is that they have a domain and range of values. The domain is the set of possible values that can be input to the function, and the range is the set of possible outputs from the function.

Here’s an example: In math, addition has a domain and range of numbers as follows: Domain = -500, Range = 500

This can happen if the input is too large for the function to handle.

The main causes of this error include:

  • A large input value.
  • An input value whose type is not a number, string, or list. For example, if you pass an integer to math.sqrt(), Python will raise ValueError because it can’t handle integers as inputs for that function.


An example of a simple case where this error will occur is:


>>> 2 * 3 * 4

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 1, in

ValueError: math domain error

The example below shows a simple case where this error will occur.

The example below shows a simple case where this error will occur. As you can see, the square root of -1 is not defined in Python, so trying to take its square root causes an exception. The way around this is to use nan as an approximation for zero or negative infinity when finding derivatives:


import math



This error can be avoided by making sure that the input value of any math function fits within its expected range.

This error can be avoided by making sure that the input value of any math function fits within its expected range.

For example, if you want to calculate the square root of a number, call it x, which has more than one digit (for example: 1), then you should use `math.sqrt(x)` instead of `x**0.5`. Calling `x**0.5` will give you an error because Python thinks that your input value is not an integer and it is trying to convert your number into an integer using truncating method (which means discarding some digits at the end). In contrast, calling `math.sqrt(x)` gives us a correct result without any errors since this function knows how to deal with non-integer values such as pi or e etc..

What does ValueError math domain error mean?

ValueError is a Python exception that is raised when an argument is of an invalid type, or if the value given to a math function is invalid. In other words, you get this error when you try to give an argument that doesn’t have the correct type or value.

For example, if you try to do something like add two numbers without including at least one number in your code, then your program will throw ValueError because there are no numbers available for it to use in addition.

Similarly, if you try adding two strings together using + operator but don’t include either string as part of your program code, then again ValueError will be thrown because there aren’t any strings available for it too perform on (since they’re not being passed into this method).

What does domain error mean?

A domain error occurs when a math function is given an invalid argument.

For example, consider the following code:

>>> print(math.sqrt(-1))

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 1, in

ValueError: math domain error

What is ValueError Python?

ValueError is a Python exception. It’s a subclass of Exception and it’s raised when a function is passed an invalid value. When we say “invalid”, we mean that the value can’t be interpreted as a number, or that it doesn’t have the right type (for example, integer but you tried to perform math with string).

So what does this mean for you? Well, if you’re writing programs in Python then you might want to know how to handle this error properly so that your program doesn’t crash!

How do I fix Python exception ValueError: “math domain error”?

To fix Python exception ValueError: “math domain error”, you need to make sure that the input value is within the expected range of the function. The value you are trying to pass as an argument must be a number and not a string. A valid number could be:

  • Integers (non-negative) such as -1, 0, 1, 2 etc…
  • Floating point numbers like 3.1415926535897932385 or -0.2


We hope this article has helped you understand what a math domain error really is and how to avoid it. As long as you’re aware of the potential pitfalls, you can easily avoid them. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out via email or social media!

