3 Saving Tips From TikTok Viral South Africans Who Set Aside Thousands in 1 Year With Ingenious Stra

It's December, and the festive season means many South Africans could use some advice on saving. People need every bit they have to make their income stretch. The country has a low minimum wage of R23, and people find a way to make whatever they earn work. Some peeps shared how they managed to save

  • Netizens who have experience with being careful with their money were happy to educate people on saving
  • Online users often take to TikTok to share any knowledge to help other people start their own money nest eggs
  • Some Mzansi content creators came up with ingenious ideas for putting money aside, ranging from piggy banks to an envelop-stuffing system

It's December, and the festive season means many South Africans could use some advice on saving. People need every bit they have to make their income stretch.

The country has a low minimum wage of R23, and people find a way to make whatever they earn work. Some peeps shared how they managed to save thousands from simple saving methods.

1. Woman stuffs 100 envelopes to make over R50 000 in 1 year

A TikTokker, @nomazdiaries, showed people that saving half of R100 000 in a year is possible. The lady told people that by using just 100 envelopes, they could go through the year, saving little by little throughout.

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The content creator explained that the challenge works by putting a certain amount in each envelope, and if completed in a year, a person will have R50 000.

2. Man uses photography skills to save big

One man @mfundo1mlanbo told people that time is key when saving. He advised that a person must start from day one if they want to see results in 2023. The photographer shared a video of himself sitting next to a pile of cash and coins he collected.

The gent showed people that he makes money from his photography go as far as possible. Job search platform Indeed estimates that the average salary for a photographer is just over R8 000.

3. 5-litre water bottle 'piggy bank' impresses SA

A woman @dipuozoemashilane put away her savings throughout the year using a 5-litre bottle. She proved that one doesn't even need a fancy piggy bank to make a difference.

The lady showed off her success when she sat in front of a pile of notes she put away throughout the year. People commented to express how impressed they were, and many were inspired to start collecting their own savings.

“2023 Challenge”: Proud man saved R24k in Minion piggy bank, has Mzansi inspired

Briefly News previously reported that a South African man demonstrated the importance of sticking to a saving pattern. The guy had people convinced that they needed a piggy bank.

Facebook user Kwanele Chef Mbatha celebrated his 2022 savings from his Minion money jar. The guy showed how far he cam since saving R5k in R5 coins in 2021.

People were amazed, and they remarked that Kwanele made it look possible to save. People even calculated how much he saved per month in the comments.

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