sex on fire lyrics

In this article, you will read sex on fire lyrics are evocative and passionate, exploring the complex emotions that can come with intimacy. Sex on Fire is a song by American rock band Kings of Leon, released in 2008. The lyrics of the song are fairly straightforward and revolve around themes of sexual desire and

In this article, you will read sex on fire lyrics are evocative and passionate, exploring the complex emotions that can come with intimacy.

“Sex on Fire” is a song by American rock band Kings of Leon, released in 2008. The lyrics of the song are fairly straightforward and revolve around themes of sexual desire and passion.

The opening lines of the song set the tone for the rest of the lyrics: “Lay where you’re laying / Don’t make a sound / I know they’re watching / They’re watching.”

The chorus of the song includes the titular phrase, “Your sex is on fire,” which is repeated throughout. This line can be interpreted to mean that the subject’s sexual desire is so intense that it feels like it’s burning with passion.

Other lines in the song include “Softly laying / While I’m dying inside,” which suggests that the singer is experiencing some emotional pain while engaging in intimate moments, perhaps due to feelings of guilt or shame.

sex on fire lyrics

Lay where you’re laying
Don’t make a sound
I know they’re watching
They’re watching

All the commotion
The kiddie-like play
Has people talking
They’re talking

Your sex is on fire

The dark of the alley
The breaking of day
Head while I’m driving
I’m driving

Soft lips are open
Them knuckles are pale
Feels like you’re dying
You’re dying

Your sex is on fire

With what’s just transpired

Hot as a fever
Rattling bones
I could just taste it
Chased it

But it’s not forever
But it’s just tonight
Oh, we’re still the greatest
The greatest
The greatest

And you
Your sex is on fire

Your sex is on fire, ah, ah
With what’s just transpired

And you
Your sex is on fire

With what’s just transpired

sex on fire lyrics video

