Shauwn Mkhizes Red Leather Jumpsuit Fails To Impress SA Fashion Police: Its Giving Power Ra

PAY ATTENTION: Watch the hottest celebrity stories on our YouTube channel 'Briefly TV'. Subscribe now! Flamboyant businesswoman Shauwn "MaMkhize" Mkhize has been roasted by social media users for her stylish look.

  • MaMkhize faced criticism on social media for her daring red leather jumpsuit, with some users deeming her outfit unsuitable for her age and suggesting she needs a new stylist
  • Despite her previous stylish looks and designer outfits, this particular ensemble drew negative comments
  • Some users even compared her look to Spider-Man for Halloween, highlighting the mixed reactions to her fashion choice

PAY ATTENTION: Watch the hottest celebrity stories on our YouTube channel 'Briefly TV'. Subscribe now!

Flamboyant businesswoman Shauwn "MaMkhize" Mkhize has been roasted by social media users for her stylish look.

MaMkhize's red jumpsuit a miss among Mzansi peeps

We can all agree that MaMkhize has been serving stylish looks over the past few months. The star has been rocking elegant designer outfits and some custom-made pieces that had fashion lovers taking notes.

The star recently came under fire when the popular gossip page MDN News shared a picture of one of her daring looks. MaMkhize flaunted her figure in a body-hugging red leather jumpsuit.

She accessorised the look with a red bag, and black sunglasses and her braids were in a slick high ponytail.

Briefly News spoke to celebrity stylist Zoe Bhozza who shared her thoughts on the look. She said the body glove gave futuristic vibes, however, a different colour could have worked better with MaMkhize's body type. She said:

"The outfit is great, but I think black was going to work better because it's slimming. Fashion is all about body types, skin tonnes and seasons. People should also take note of how clothes would come out in certain designs."

MaMkhize roasted for her daring look

Social media users came out, guns blazing at the star. Many said she was too old for her look, while others said she should get a new stylist.

@Mailula_Za said:

"The body says Noooo."

@sebogoe added:

"I wanna say she looks kinda drag but I know X will drag me so I'll leave it here."

@Prue03351541 noted:

"Her stylist got it wrong this time."

@costo_daddy commented:

"Body is collapsing now"

@Khush_ZA wrote:

"Was she trying to dress as Spider-Man for Halloween?"

MaMkhize stuns netizens with her brand-new body

In more entertainment news, Briefly News reported that Mam'mkhize is the girl she thinks she is. The reality TV star recently flaunted her summer look online. The reality TV star made headlines after she joked about giving her son Andile Mpisane a R1 million allowance.

Mam'Mkhize has topped the trending list. The businesswoman recently stunned her fans and flaunted her new all-new summer-ready body. The star posted pictures on her Instagram timeline wearing a yellow top.

