Woman Relocates to US To Study, Celebrates Freedom From Loadshedding in TikTok Video

PAY ATTENTION: Briefly News WhatsApp Channel - Breaking News on the Go - FOLLOW NOW A young woman who recently moved to the United States has playfully bragged about no longer experiencing the frustration of loadshedding.

  • A woman who recently moved to the United States is celebrating her newfound freedom from loadshedding in a TikTok video
  • In her video, she expressed her joy at not having to deal with power outages anymore as she vlogs about her relocation
  • Her video has struck a chord with many South Africans who can relate to the frustration of loadshedding

PAY ATTENTION: Briefly News WhatsApp Channel - Breaking News on the Go - FOLLOW NOW

A young woman who recently moved to the United States has playfully bragged about no longer experiencing the frustration of loadshedding.

Lady flexes no loadshedding

This video, uploaded by TikTok user @lesab4, has resonated with many South Africans who understand the challenges of power outages here at home.

Loadshedding is a controlled power outage measure implemented in South Africa due to electricity supply constraints. South Africans often deal with the inconvenience of power cuts that disrupt daily life. The woman's video showcases her excitement as she records her relocation to the US.

Watch the video below:

Mzansi relates to young woman

While her video is playful, it also highlights a common struggle faced by many in South Africa, emphasising the importance of reliable electricity services. Her lighthearted TikTok reminds you of the small everyday joys that can be celebrated, even when life takes you to a new place.

People flocked to the comment section to share their views:

@Fentse Mokale commented:

"I love this for you."

@Kay said:

"We want more of these."


"Congrats, babe."

@Moeketsi Nakedi shared:


@Shaz said:

"Love this for you, wish you all the best on your new venture and your studies."

@Sbu commented:

"We love this for you, congratulations, may you soar high."

Hilarious video shows parents blaming it all on Eskom

In a similar story, Briefly News reported that funny comedian Themba Robin poked fun at Eskom's woes in a post that showed how parents use loadshedding to respond to their kids' requests.

In the clip, the dad uses lights-out time when the kid wants to play outside, have ice cream or even take a bath.

Social media is in total agreement, and one commentator even confessed that she uses the excuse even though they live in another country.

