TikTok video of Monkey Swimming Gets 37M views, Primate's Bathtub Antics Amuse Netizens

One man's video of his pet left people amazed. A pet monkey was in a bathtub in the viral TikTok video. The man's recording of the monkey received more than 1 million likes. There were more than 20,000 comments of people discussing the monkey's agility.

  • A man on TikTok has a monkey, and one of the videos of his pet went TikTok viral when it wild in his bathroom
  • One video went viral as it shows the primate having a blast in the bathtub and making a big mess
  • Many people were amazed to see the monkey moving all over a bathroom very quickly and had jokes

One man's video of his pet left people amazed. A pet monkey was in a bathtub in the viral TikTok video.

The man's recording of the monkey received more than 1 million likes. There were more than 20,000 comments of people discussing the monkey's agility.

Monkey moving in water leaves jaws dropped

@thaboandray, who has a pet monkey named Thabo, showed people how it behaves when in a bathtub. In the video, the monkey was swimming at a fast speed as it rolled around in the bathtub before leaping out.

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Netizens amazed by swimming monkey in TikTok video

Many people admitted that they never thought a monkey would move as fast. Read what people had to say below:

Dorian said:

"How fast I be to jump to conclusions."

Darius Gerring wrote:

"Bro was causing a ruckus."

Paulina added:

"I thought this was a dog lol."

belligerentbornstein commented:

"Me in the pool thinking I’m travelling at the speed of light."

jadehill noted:

"He definitely loves it. watch him go lmao."

Wild animals had netizens amazed in TikTok video

People are always fascinated when they see wild animals. People were impressed after seeing a man who is best friends with a lion.

Guy leaves friend stunned after bringing his pet lion to hang out with the crew

Briefly News previously reported that it is not every day you see someone casually hanging out with a lion.

One man had his friends regretting agreeing to a chill session when he rocked up with a wild furry friend.

A video posted on TikTok by @uae_lionking shows a group of men chilling together outside before a man approaches them with a bouquet of flowers and a lion on a leash.

One of the friends seated in the group can be seen reacting with great shock as he sees the man approaching them with the scary beast.

