Ice-Ts 8-Year-Old Daughter, Chanel, Could Be the Next Big Star on SVU Hollywood, Watch Out

In the glittering landscape of Law & Order: SVUs 25th-anniversary bash, Ice-T spilled the beans on the newest rising star in his family none other than his adorable 8-year-old daughter, Chanel Austin.

In the glittering landscape of Law & Order: SVU’s 25th-anniversary bash, Ice-T spilled the beans on the newest rising star in his family – none other than his adorable 8-year-old daughter, Chanel Austin.

As Ice-T and his wife Coco Austin sashayed down the red carpet in New York City, the rapper turned SVU icon couldn’t contain his excitement about Chanel catching the acting bug.

When probed by PEOPLE about the possibility of Chanel making a cameo on the show – a stage where her mom has already shone three times – Ice-T’s response was a resounding “Hell yeah!”

Turns out, Chanel’s got the same agents as Ryan Buggle, the young actor who plays Noah, Olivia Benson’s son. Ice-T, with a gleam in his eye, exclaimed, “We didn’t even know that. She just got an agent.” It seems like this apple didn’t fall far from the talent-loaded tree.

While the proud parents were celebrating SVU’s milestone, Chanel was not amused about missing out on the soirée. Ice-T hilariously recounted, “Chanel wanted to be here tonight. She’s mad at us right now.” The babysitter incurred the wrath of a budding star-in-the-making.

Despite the couple’s explanation that “Mommy and Daddy had work,” Chanel remained disgruntled. Ice-T shared her reaction, saying, “She looked at the babysitter like, ‘Really?! Really?'” Ah, the woes of an 8-year-old with dreams of making it big in Hollywood.

Ice T’s daughter took his entire face 😅

— Seabelo (@Seabelo_Lekoko) February 18, 2023

This isn’t Chanel’s first foray into the limelight, though. In September, the mini fashionista strutted her stuff down the runway at the 13th Annual Rookie USA Fashion Show during New York Fashion Week.

Rocking a matching blue sweatsuit, she blew a kiss at the end, proving that she’s got the charisma to match her parents.

Coco Austin couldn’t help but gush on Instagram, sharing behind-the-scenes moments and revealing, “It takes a lot of guts to strut down the runway, especially for her age.”

In a moment of candid mom-bragging, Coco recounted, “She told me she was so embarrassed when she heard me yelling so hard from the” A classic case of “Mom, you’re embarrassing me!” in the glamorous world of fashion.

Ice ~T’s daughter looks just like him ..gonna be a lil actress

— LiveWire (@BarbaraCarrino2) March 19, 2023

Ice-T, a father of three, also opened up about his parenting philosophy. In August, he emphasized the importance of parental guidance over control, sharing anecdotes about his older children’s musical influences. “My daughter was listening to 2 Live Crew, and my son used to sing Wu-Tang Clan without saying motherf—er, and it was amazing.” It seems Ice-T’s household is a mix of rap legends and parental wisdom.

As Chanel gears up to potentially grace the SVU screen, the world waits with bated breath to see if this 8-year-old dynamo will soon be solving fictional crimes alongside her iconic dad.

Here’s to Chanel Austin – the pint-sized powerhouse ready to leave her mark on Hollywood’s stage!

